
Showing posts from August, 2013

Rape: A brutal Act , no matter what age a culprit is...

          Recent news is ,  the last culprit of Mumbai rape case has been arrested in delhi. The rape case in Mumbai has reminded us the brutal act of some kind of psycho  in delhi too. After rape they have tortured the victim . Why rape,sexual assaults and molestation news are in air now and then?  These incidents are taking place everywhere and increasing thoroughly each and every year. Especially in metropolitan cities ,its very unsafe to live in such cities. People cant go out alone after dark in delhi or NCRs . Its been shown in a survey that 40% of people have assaulted in their childhood.         What happened to our society. Changes are good for a healthy society but not in this way. Culprit are not getting punishments what they deserve so more are coming out fearlessly . We need to fight with this situation and more likely Girls need to be careful.They should go for self-defence programs . I feel this is the only way to SAVE girls from anti-social elements. Since our judici